woman placing floowtag on windscreen woman installing tag to windscreen


FloowTag is a small Bluetooth Low Energy device which is installed to a vehicle’s windscreen. Once FloowTag is linked to and in range of the driver’s phone, it ensures that the phone records only journeys from that vehicle. 

FloowTag is available for use alongside our FloowDrive solution.

FloowTag does not need to be plugged into the vehicle instead it should be self-installed to the vehicle’s windscreen to track journeys. The tag contains a gyroscope and accelerometer for orientation and it can capture driving events such as acceleration, cornering and crash over the course of a journey. 

FloowTag connects to the driver’s phone via the FloowDrive app and ensures that the phone only records journeys when motion is detected in that vehicle.

Through the FloowDrive app, drivers will be able to view their journey scores and check on certain information relating to their FloowTag including its battery level and the connection status between the tag and their phone.

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person fitting tag to windscreen

Benefits of FloowTag

Pairing Phone with Tag

Easily Connect With Phone

Only journeys where a driver’s phone and FloowTag are in range will be captured – helping to improve our scoring accuracy and mileage captured

Cost Effective

Cheaper than an OBD device

Simple Onboarding

Easy to install and support


Universally compatible and CE compliant

Auto start stop journey recording

Automatically Records Journeys

Improved phone battery life as only the insured vehicles journeys will be recorded