Honoured and Grateful: The Floow Receives the DIAmond Award!

The Floow - September 06th, 2023

We are immensely thrilled and deeply honoured to accept the prestigious DIAmond Award from ITC DIA Europe. This accolade is a testament to The Floow’s pursuit of innovation and excellence in the realm of telematics and insurance.

FloowFusion: FloowFusion is our groundbreaking solution that seamlessly merges data from the FloowDrive mobile app with real-time vehicle data. It captures the intricate details of driving behaviour, enabling insurers to assess risk with unparalleled precision. This innovation is a beacon of safety and accuracy in the world of insurance.

FloowCampaigns: FloowCampaigns is our hyper-personalized campaign management system. It gently nudges users towards safer driving behaviours and streamlines claims processes. It’s our commitment to enhancing customer engagement and safety.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Roger Peverelli and Reggy de Feniks for their kind words in DIA’s latest article, and we remain dedicated to illuminating the path of innovation in the insurance and telematics landscape.

#InsuranceInnovation #Telematics #ITCDIA #DIAmondAward #Gratitude


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